How To Write A Journal Article: Ten Steps To Success
is an online, self-paced workshop for researchers who intend to publish in peer-reviewed journals.
This workshop takes you from initial idea to first draft, through focused revision and on to submit your article to your chosen journal, breaking what can be a challenging process into ten achievable, easy to manage steps.
This ten-step process aims to develop your skills in writing for publication, focus on your key message, build your argument and home in on your contribution to your field. Make the most effective use of your writing time, enhance your understanding of what journal editors look for and stand out from the crowd with a polished, professional portfolio of scholarly publications.
Workshop Overview
This practical workshop includes video tutorials, exercises, examples and downloadable checklists.
This is a self-paced online workshop.
Workshop fee includes lifetime access to all materials and FREE updates.
Standard Rate £25
• Step 1: Get Organized
• Step 2: What’s Your Contribution?
• Step 3: Where to Publish?
• Step 4: Outline
• Step 5: Title and Abstract
First draft
• Step 6: Introduction and Conclusion
• Step 7: Body
Revision and submission
• Step 8: Hide it Away!
• Step 9: Revise
• Step 10: Submit Your Article
Where next?
What you will gain if you complete the ten steps:
• A journal article ready to submit to your chosen journal
• A process you can apply to write any scholarly publication, present or future